Jan 5Liked by Amy Greenwald

Welcome to the future! I'm still waiting on my Jetsons flying car and my Star Trek holodeck tho....

I never was big on resolutions, tbh. As I've gotten older, I started doing a word of the year (or for however long I feel like that still serves me - sometimes I change the word 6 months in or whatever). It's simple enough for me to go back to and kind of sets a "eyes on the horizon" view. I can EASILY slip into hella planning with worksheets and schedules and all the in the weeds stuff so instead I've been trying a broader approach. Give myself wiggle room and less pressure.

"But I had such high hopes that this would take pressure off my design-related income and it just didn’t." - So many things factor into the 'performance' of a course that isn't reflective of its content quality.

"I also don’t like setting money goals for the year." - Me either. I set goals in terms of 'make this much or ELSE' that covers my bare minimum and others I financially support but I never really set biz growth income goals (like 10K more this year or something). That said, I really want to though. In general, I want to get a handle on my biz income so that it's more consistent/predictable. Having some cushion wouldn't hurt either lol And to do that, I have to get REAL about what I'm charging, time spent on projects, lead generation, etc.

Oh my gosh, book goals killed my love of reading too at one point. I signed up for Storygraph or whatever app. Tracked my reading, tried to do some reading challenges with people, etc but it really felt like work. Now I read whenever I want to and I'd rather take a year to read ONE book I enjoy than try to get through 5. Also, I've come to accept just NOT finishing a f'n book lol if it sucks or I'm not interested, I just stop. I used to pressure myself to finish, esp if it was highly recommended or whatever. Life is too short for shitty books. SKIP!

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Jan 4Liked by Amy Greenwald

Welcome back Amy! Seems like you've had a lot going on, and I don't blame you for taking a step back to focus on all the life things. Also wishing your pup a healthier year!

I didn't do an end of year recap or 2024 goals post, but I do like to look back and remind myself of everything I accomplished. Sharing recap posts publicly doesn't quite feel aligned with my values, I know the comparison game on socials is already so bad (at least for me) and I don't like the idea of adding my highlights to the noise. Personally I think it is important to recognize the good work you've done though, so don't discredit yourself—I'm sure you've done some great things! Launching a course is amazing and I can only imagine how much work went into that! Just joined the waitlist!

Here's to chasing things that bring you joy and focusing your time and energy in areas of your life that deserve them! Wishing you a more balanced year for you and your business!

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