Mar 26Liked by Amy Greenwald

Just a tip for the recipes; instead of a notebook, consider a recipe box. They make them large enough for the XL notecards with lines on them. The one my partner's mom got him has a plastic sheet that fits into the lid to hold up the recipe card at a good angle for reading while making the recipe. That way you can organize recipes by paperclipping multi-card recipes together and filing them alphabetically like a filing cabinet. When you add a new recipe, slip it in its place. When I was a kid my mom's box got so full she started a second one and split them so each had ~half the alphabet. I've been enjoying transferring my frequently used digital recipes to notecards and filing them away!

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Mar 23Liked by Amy Greenwald

Dishes in silence, yessss! I didn't realize how much I have noise in my life until one day all my devices were charging and I couldn't easily use them. Now I enjoy those moments and try to make more of them. I'm sure my brain appreciates it.

Also, you're a soldier for trying to give up Google Keep. That's my go to!

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