Aug 6Liked by Amy Greenwald

I loved this newsletter. I am so sick and tired of the AI buzzword. I mean it's not a black/white issue since I use it sometimes myself too I cannot be a hypocrite and preach abstinence. However, I do think that putting AI everywhere just to get some of that buzzword traffic is just annoying. Also, I love what you said about the desire to actually solve those challenges yourself. But the world rn makes me feel like I need to be doing whatever I can with AI otherwise I'll be left behind and never make it to my dream business. Have you ever felt like that?

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Oh my gosh legit, why is it EVERYWHERE as a buzzword!! I saw the other day that on washing machines, certain brands have rebranded the like "smart" feature where it senses your load size to AI. It's just so unnecessary 🤦‍♀️

Also I love the use of the word abstinence in regards to AI. It feels so fitting. And I agree, it has some uses, but it's definitely not the magic solution so many preach it to be.

I've definitely felt that way, too - and it sucks. I feel like a lot of business advice is like that. Of the "you should be doing this or you're missing out on making tens of thousands of more dollars" variety. The AI conversation feels like an extension of that and it's so gross in my opinion. There is no one way to run a business. And businesses are about way more than money and efficiency! But I feel like so often, people's narratives only focus on that. At the end of the day, they're all run by humans and we need to feel proud and confident and happy with our decisions.

But I do think there is a growing trend of pushing back against AI and I hope that those messages start to creep into more spaces soon! The novelty is wearing off and AI is starting to show it's cracks. At least I hope the pendulum is swinging back 🤞

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Aug 7Liked by Amy Greenwald

Yup, it's insane. I had a call with a client yesterday where he said he needs to rebrand so that he can include the word AI somewhere... Does no one think for themselves? Why is it taken as some sort of a requirement to include it otherwise you're not 'cool'. It's pretty sad tbh.

Agreed. I mean all those inventions are promising 'more time for us' but in reality they just allow us to cram even more into our days and feel burnt out sooner.

I love your thinking tho I feel that for the majority of people that's exactly what business is about, money.

Same! Especially the environmental impact it has... no one has talked about it until now. When it should've been talked about from the beginning instead of encouraging everyone to mindlessly 'play' around with it... wasting so many resources and making people switch from just googling things to always asking AI for everything.

But yes, it's nice to see that hope is out there :)

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Oh my gosh noooo not the needless rebrand to include AI 😭 Also being cool is so overrated lol. It's gonna be unique soon to not have AI I swear.

I really feel like social media has conditioned us to jump on things ASAP and because we're always connected we don't have that moment of pause to think "is this what I actually want to be doing?" But that's probably a topic for another day 😂🙈

Agreed, agreed, agreed. We will all just get burnt out sooner! And yes the environmental impact! I haven't fully looked into it myself but the energy has to come from somewhere. I feel like this is a crypto/NFT conversation all over again on the impacts so many aren't thinking about.

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Aug 7Liked by Amy Greenwald

There are some general problems with the identity, however, the pressure to add AI was very obvious from the conversation... haha yeah, I dunno if you heard about Sprout (a new eco-friendly web builder, a competitor to Wix and Squarespace) they had a post somewhere that literally specifically said that they won't be using AI to create the product which was so so refreshing!

Totally the FOMO of not being everything and everywhere is insane, I struggle with that a lot tbh.

Oh, I recently read some articles about it, there's quite a lot popping up about it (and about the legal, ownership credentials as well). it's actually pretty deep. Something like 1l of water is used for one prompt into Chat GPT. It consumes so much more energy to do an AI-powered search vs a regular Google one its crazy. That made me super conscious about the prompts I write and only use AI when I know it'll save me a lot of time and effort.

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I haven't heard of Sprout! I'll have to look into it. The no AI is definitely a selling point haha.

Holy cow! That is insane! I can't believe that people are using it in place of Google. I just don't see how it's easier. Google is already so easy and efficient. I'll definitely have to dig into the numbers a little! Thanks for sharing that!

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Jul 24Liked by Amy Greenwald

I agree!

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